• E-Beam evaporation is sourced from Tecport.
• There are two electron guns and an Ion gun.
• EB guns has two hearths. Hearth associated with EB gun-1 has four 25 cc pockets and the one associated with EB gun-2 has six 15 cc pockets.
• One 4 pocket hearth and one 6 pocket hearth.
• Pop-Top source
• Max Power 10kW
• Accelerating Voltage 4-8 kV
• Beam deflection 270deg
• Emission Current 0-1.5A
• Programmable sweep controller.
• Temescal Crucible indexer.
• Substrate holder {6, 4, 3, 2 inch diameter}.
• Planetary rotation with four holders.
• Inficon IC6 deposition controller.
• Ultimate Pressure ~2E-7 Torr.
• Process Control using Symphony software.
• Deposition rates from 1 Å/s to 199 Å/s.
• Ion-assisted deposition is also possible.
Tool training is scheduled on second Monday, every month.
Time: 5 pm to 9 pm.
Fill up this tool training form https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=l80Vb6f240Gyxa1Bk5dkdk2fuyzNkZdHntjk1-WbwJpURFkxMElJSkoyUFgzNzlJT1dLVVk2MVlPTS4u
At least 3 practice sessions after training to gain 'Independent user' access.
The practice session should be completed within 60 days after the training session, if not the user should re-register and get trained again.
After the practice sessions users will be certified as an independent user.
Once the user becomes an independent they are supposed to book and use the tool only during non-office hours.
Independent user ship will be revoked, if one does not use the tool continuously for 3 months and if the user found mishandling the tool. These users will have to be re-certified.